Conceiver, Producer, Director & Editor: Peter Litton
Art Direction & Videography: Tom Mohr
About Peter Litton
In March of 2013 Peter got a phone call from a neighbor. He was suffering from the effects of alcohol on his life and he didn't know what to do. Within hours Peter took his neighbor to a local recovery meeting and this kicked off a very special friendship. Through his help over the ensuing critical months Peter and his neighbor Pete became very close. Helping Pete, Peter learned about alcoholism and what it takes to be in recovery and stay there. Story after story, Peter learned of the successes of so many alcoholics who could have easily failed--as many do with this disease. Through this friendship, Peter was inspired to help others in need and help those in recovery share their successes both as a service to them and to expand the fellowship beyond those the recovering addicts were currently reaching. Peter is a product developer living in Chicago.
Pete and Peter
About Tom Mohr
Tom Mohr is a Chicago based free-lance photographer whose concentration focuses on portraits, art, and performance. Self taught, he has been shooting for over 15 years. Tom's interest in the capturing images of the arts and performance was rooted at home; he's been married to an artist for 30 years and has two sons, both musicians. He is the principal photographer for The Chicago Academy For The Arts, a Chicago high school that provides world class professional art training. He is also well known for his images of musicians in the Chicago jazz scene.
Tom is extremely excited to be a part of the Sobering Stories project...
“I was honored when Peter asked me to join the Sobering Stories team. His vision and unselfish willingness to help is an inspiration. I am truly thrilled to be able to provide part of that help by capturing the stories of these brave individuals through video and portraits.”